August 18, 2005

Prayer in Daily Living

In the rush of life, there is always something that has to be done, something to distract us from what is really important. Part of the answer is to prioritize the many things that come to our attention. Often prayer is the first thing we neglect - perhaps because we feel it demands space or time or privacy. Yet why should this be so? If our relationship to God is alive, we will always feel that the channels to him are open, so to speak, and we will lift our thoughts to him regularly, no matter the outward circumstances.

Still, Bishop Donald Wuerl of Pittsburgh points out that it is a good practice to put aside time just for prayer:
You have to make that time, in order to hear God speaking to you, and you need time to respond back to him. There is no way that a relationship can be built in silence, in the sense of noncommunication. Amid the clatter of life, we have to find the silence of recollection, the centeredness in our lives to allow us to hear God. Then the gifts of the Spirit are revealed: peace, joy, love, and faith.

Taken from Prayer in Daily Life by Johann Christoph Arnold

1 comment:

Trudging said...

Love you quotes above.