December 09, 2004

God is Within and Among Us

Today's thought is:

When people are loving, brave, truthful, charitable, God is present.
--Harold Kushner

For many of us, our spiritual awakening began when we first heard our Higher Power might be our group. We learned that God may exist in the connections between people in our group just as well as within each individual. As we members exchange care and help with each other, as each struggles to achieve complete honesty and wrestles bravely with old temptations, God is truly in our midst. Closeness flourishes because we felt so alone but then found friends who suffered in similar ways. It is an expression of a spirit beyond our rational control.

When we ask another member to listen to us, we contribute to the strength of this spirit. When we give someone a ride to a meeting or spread the word about this program to other suffering men and women, we make a contribution and receive its benefits. Even now, if we need a renewal of confidence in God's presence in our lives, we can telephone another member and just talk. We will quickly sense the spirit.

Today, I am grateful to feel God's presence in my life and within the people around me.

You are reading from the book:
Touchstones by Anonymous
Copyright 1986, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation.

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