April 14, 2005

Recovery Takes Practice

No one learns how to play golf in a day, or masters a musical instrument in a week, or builds a relationship in a month. Neither does recovery happen overnight.

If we're ready and lucky, we may immediately take the direct path of abstinence and stay on it without making any detours. When that occurs, it's wonderful, but it's just a beginning. Recovering is more than abstaining from overeating, bingeing and purging, or restricting. Recovering is a new way of life that involves our entire being.

What, when, and how much we eat is the starting point. Then we move on to how we think, feel, act, and believe. Before we're very far along the path, we realize we're learning a whole new way of orienting ourselves to the events of every day. It feels good, and the more we practice, the more complete our recovery.

I give thanks for another day to practice recovering.

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Today's meditation comes from the book
Inner Harvest
by Elizabeth L. C 1990

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