April 14, 2005

Tips for Avoiding Fights

"If someone openly displays aggression towards you, being calm in response gives you control and allows you to keep your mental attitude positive. Here are some tips for avoiding fights. I have used them successfully in a number of scenarios:

-Adobt a confident posture, but do not try to make yourself look too big by widening your stance, putting your hands on your hips etc.
-Speak clearly and calmly.
-Repeat one problem solving phrase. It should begin with 'I'. Never start the sentence with 'you'.
-Keep your mouth neutral, and eyes as friendly as you can, and look at the person.
-If the other person fails in their attempt to control your state, they will feel uncomfortable and move away first. They will probably part with a negative comment to let you know that they are not runing away. Let it go.
-Focus your thoughts for a moment on how unhappy that person's life might be, and send out a caring message so that you do not adopt any negativity from the confrontation."

Read more at Achieving Our Potential (And Beyond).

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